Planetarium Insulaner Berlin – Great alternative to cinema

Hallo friends and dear readers,

last Saturday I went with friends to the Planetarium Insulaner at the Wilhelm-Foerster-Sternwarte in Berlin – Steglitz to see “Dark Side of the Moon” in a new audiovisual performance…

This is a very nice location with a dome on top. That dome is used from the inside as a giant projection screen for a 360 ° video animation with exceptional visuales. Technically a lot is possible nowadays and optically you get a huge blast from what you see. The result is a unique concept that evokes a lot of wonderful events.
2015, the Planetarium celebrated its 50th anniversary and the program is diverse and even for children there are performances.

During our visit there was a wonderful mixture of visuales and music, that makes music lovers like myself getting very excited:

The most successful and flashy Pink Floyd album “Dark Side of the Moon” from 1973 was presented with amazing visuals. By precisely tuned awesome animation on the 360 ° projection you could enjoy the Dark Side Of The Moon album in a new audiovisual way.
As Dark Side of the Moob has only a playtime from almost 45 minutes, the above-ground track “Echoes” from 1970 was used as an introduction.

This grand audiovisual Pink Floyd staging is still to experience on some weekends until March / April 2016th. On the first weekend of the New Year 2016, the event is already sold out.

The detailed program can be found on the website of the planetarium:
Program overview Planetarium am Insulaner Berlin

I highly recommend this event and many other audiovisual events in the planetarium like “Time travel from the Big Bang to mankind” or “A journey through the galaxy”. It´s a very nice experience.

Furtermore in all major cities in Germany there are planetariums and it is always worth a visit. For me personally, this is a good and sometimes even better alternative to cinema.

There are more than 100 planetariums in Germany, but the large planetariums are the hottest of which there are only nine in Germany and two of them in Berlin.

Here you will find a list including links to the major planetariums in Germany sorted alphabetically by city name. All major planetariums in Germany:

My advice:
If you want to surprise your boyfriend / girlfriend, go together in a plantetarium on an event with a topic that seems interesting to you. You’ll be thrilled and it’s a great alternative to a movie night, I promise!