
Which of these shortcomings are you not aware of?

In this blog post, I aim to explain the fascinating topic of deficiencies we are not aware of. What kinds of deficiencies exist, which of them affect you, and how can reflection help you harness your full potential? Deficiencies refer to deficits, weaknesses, or shortcomings that everyone has and which manifest in specific situations, abilities or characteristics. The term is …

The 13-Month Calendar: The Original Time System

The Hidden History of the 13-Month Calendar: A suppressed timekeeping system Happy (fake) New Year my Brothers and Sisters. Time is one of humanity’s most foundational constructs, shaping our lives, cultures, and civilizations. Yet, what if the calendar we follow today is not the one originally intended? What if the natural cycles of the Earth and ancient wisdom pointed to …

Yehoshua and his 12 disciples

The Secret Teachings of Yeshua – The Kingdom of God is within you

The Secret Teachings of Yeshua aka Jesus aka Isa aka JHWH: A Hidden Path to Enlightenment? For centuries, scholars, mystics, and seekers of truth have speculated about the deeper, esoteric teachings of Jesus Christ – lessons that may have been deliberately omitted from mainstream religious doctrine or obscured by time. These teachings, often hidden within parables and cryptic sayings, suggest …