Oh my God, the DuDi004 by my music brother Aporia is the record I always wanted to do in my life. With this release a dream finally came true. I never listened to a record so often like this one…
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New classy underground Tshirts
I made some new super cool Tshirts and great photos to see the amazing shirts.
All Shirts are in a very small editon of 5 shirts only.
In case someone wants a tshirt, please email me info@duboffice.com
Pictures say more than thousand words, so here we go.
Dub Disco 003 | DuDi003 by Aussteiger & Thorsten Lee Broda
It took us a while but finally we released record #3 on our Dub Disco Imprint. I teamed up with my friend Thorsten Lee Broda aka the Synthesizer Wizard from Neukölln.
Almost all synthesizer meldodies are played on the fantastique JUNO106. That is why the EP sounds so wonderful and warm.
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70 motivational songs of all genres to feel good, get motivated or workout
The power of music is incredible strong and many people underrate this driving force. Music that touches you can give you so much positive energy.
Not only that, it motivates you, gives you power and strength. Read More
Dub Disco002 | DuDi002 by S&W on our Dub Disco imprint
This one’s about music again — only this time, not music I’ve produced myself, but released by our label Dub Disco.
The Dub Disco 002 / DuDi002 Ep by our homies and good friends S&W has arrived and we reached so much love and feedback for it. I can’t tell you the names of the two guys, since Read More
Broaden my horizon:
Israel – Tel Aviv – Jersualem – Dead Sea
From 23 to 28 November 2016 I have been in Israel with my amazing startup Marketplace-Analytics / Sellics. I work for them as a freelancer 3 days a week, because the rest of the time I am into Music, writing, enjoying Life and Read More
Our Dub Disco label slowly on the rise
Our fine Dub Disco label is almost one year old and slowly but surely there are alot of amazing things going on.
The first vinyl release is almost sold out and there are only a few records left on the Dub Disco Bandcamp Website.Read More
My favorite quotes
I like wise quotes. No, I even love smart and good excerpts!
Essentially, I love quotations with depth, knowledge or motivation. So I sat down and choose my favorite quotes from around 400 quotes that I collected over the years .
They remember, inspire and strengthen me. They give you wisdom and far-sightedness. Good quotes even have a postive impact on all human beings, Read More
10 reasons why OPC is a panacea
I’m still flabbergasted how little people know about OPC (Oligomeric proanthocyanidins)
in English also known as “grape seed extract”.
OPC is the most powerful antioxidant in the world. It is 15 times stronger than vitamin C
and 40 times stronger than vitamin E.Read More
Dub Delay Reverb & Ego is the Enemy Tshirt
The world seems sometimes to turn its crazy wheels. It´s been 15 fuckin´ years I wanted to do some dope ass t-shirts. But I always pushed it away from me.
I remember exactly how it was sitting with an old friend Read More
Party all night and fit in the morning, is that possible?
Working as a freelancer at the cool startup called Sellics, I randomly discovered an interesting product called Hang & Over – Abends feiern, Morgens fit (Hang & Over – Party in the evening, fit in the morning)
Wow, that sounds interesting I thought. Drinking alot of alcohol and being fit again in the morning, how should that work…
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